
Convention of States Caucus

Resources and Information

Briefing Book

Everything you need to know about Article V and the Convention of States movement in one beautiful document. Your one-stop shop for all things COS.


Convention of States Action is hard at work to pass a uniform resolution in 34 states. Nineteen states are already on board. Take a peak at what the resolution looks like here!


This handy booklet, packed with fast facts about COS, is a grassroots favorite. Perfect for handing out at events and sharing with your friends and legislators.

Farris' Harvard
Law Review

Co-founder of Convention of States, Michael Farris is one of the topmost respected constitutional attorneys in the nation today. His article proves, once and for all, that the 1787 Constitutional Convention was NOT a “runaway convention.

Simulated Article V
Convention 2023

In August 2023, over 100 commissioners from 49 states gathered in Colonial Williamsburg for Convention of States Foundation’s historic Simulated Article V convention.


Convention of States is proud to lock shields with renowned patriot thought leaders, including Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Sen. Rick Santorum, and many more. Read the full list of endorsers and why they support us here.



Looking for responses to questions/objections from colleagues or constituents? No need to reinvent the wheel—find answers here.


Convention of States is blessed to partner with several brilliant public speakers who travel the nation spreading the word about COS.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.

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